Leaving on a Jet Plane
I'm flying out to Japan this afternoon to visit my friend Jason in Tokyo and to play piano at his wedding next Saturday. Although there's a good chance I'll have some access to the Internet while I'm there, it's unlikely I'll be making any updates to this blog during my visit. But stay tuned for plenty more of my random reflections upon my return next week.
That sounds really exciting! Have fun!
Irina Tsukerman, at 5/08/2005 10:21 AM
Hey Steve-
Have a safe trip! Can't wait to hear your thoughts!
Anonymous, at 5/16/2005 12:29 PM
We look forward to having ya home safely...
By the way...Leaving on a Jet Plane...was written by John Denver...and only popularized by Peter Paul & Mary...little known fact :)
The Egel Nest, at 5/16/2005 2:50 PM
Yep, a little know fact, but one I'm sure won't surprise you to learn that I already knew (I always pay attention to the composer credit on liner notes and sheet music)! For any iTunes Music Store users out there who might stumble across these comments, click on this link to hear a sample of Denver's original recording and for the option of downloading it for a measly 99 cents. (If you don't have iTunes installed, the link won't work.)
Steve Shapiro, at 5/17/2005 4:31 PM
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