Where Have I Been?
I can't believe a full week has passed since my last post. I have no idea how that happened. I suppose time flies when you're doing nothing. So let me think back over the past week to see if I can remember what's been occupying my time for the past week...
- Had a delightful dinner with Adeline and Chris at their home last Friday and watched the mildly entertaining but largely predictable Secret Window on their huge HDTV set
- Had a delightful dinner with David and Amy at David's apartment Saturday night and caught up on life since Japan
- Saw the incomparable Kevin Pollack at the San Jose Improv Sunday night
- Saw Batman Begins on Monday night with Lee, Brian, and Chris
- Spent the rest of the week working on transferring Jason's wedding videos to DVD (almost done)
We know you do; just teasing! ; )
Irina Tsukerman, at 7/01/2005 7:49 PM
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