Links at Last
Irina's recent blog redesign reminded me that I've been a bit remiss in my blogging etiquette since launching The Shapiro Files early last year. Up until today, I've failed to include a list of links to fellow bloggers' sites as part of my site template. So to right that wrong, I'm proud to announce a new "Other Blogs of Note" section in my links/archive column at the right of this and all other pages at this blog. Links include fellow bloggers who have been kindly including The Shapiro Files in similar lists at their sites (or who have linked to my site by way of a blog entry) as well as few theater friends who are also part of the blogosphere. Want your site to be included in my list? Simply link to my blog from your site (and let me know in case I miss it) and I'll add a link to yours.
Thank you Cous!
It is about time :)
Finally a link to the fascinating and wonderful world of the Egel Nest :)
I apprecite it...
The Egel Nest
The Egel Nest, at 1/04/2006 11:18 PM
Thanks so much for linking me!
By the way, I took a look at your wedding story... The episode with the sea gull was hilarious!
Irina Tsukerman, at 1/05/2006 7:48 PM
It truly was a memorable moment to have on a first date! And there's actually more to seagull episode than seemed necessary to include in the story (which, by the way, we originally wrote for our wedding program and I simply copied and pasted it later to our website). Prior to the seagull stealing Marcie's chicken, another seagull landed right next to our table with an entire beef rib in its mouth (the rib was almost as big as the bird). We stared at that seagull in surprise and it was while we were distracted by that rib-loving bird that another seagull flew down and stole Marcie's lunch. It was almost as if the two seagulls planned the whole thing--with one deliberately distracting us so the other could steal Marcie's chicken. The whole thing was so weird that we couldn't stop laughing.
Incidentally, after we gained our composure, I went back to the eatery where we got the meal and sheepishly explained that we were attached by psychotic birds and one of our meals was stolen. They didn't even look surprised when I told them this (apparently Sea World has a pretty serious seagull problem) and they said I can grab another lunch for free.
So now you have the whole story!
Steve Shapiro, at 1/06/2006 1:47 AM
Wow, that's fantastic! And at a first date, too! LOL!
Irina Tsukerman, at 1/06/2006 7:28 PM
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