Of Groundhog Day and Time-Looping Films

(Incidentally, because of the popularity of Groundhog Day three years later, 12:01 was turned into a full-length television film. I bet people at the time mistakenly thought it was 12:01 that was copying the premise of Groundhog Day, when it was really the other way around.)
In all events, I finally did get around to seeing Groundhog Day last year (ya gotta love Netflix). And I'm happy to say that I enjoyed the movie very much. Although none of the filmmakers want to acknowledge 12:01 as a possible influence (and I watched all the DVD supplements and listened to the director's commentary just to be sure), I have to admit it's a a really sweet and funny little movie. The hilarious scene of Bill Murray kidnapping Punxsutawney Phil alone makes the film worth seeing.
As a final note, it seems that several television programs have also employed the "time looping" plot device in the years following the release of 12:01. Here's an fun site I found by way of Google that lists a bunch of these.
Coming soon in a future blog entry: A discussion of time-stopping movies/television programs. (Ever hear of a television film called The Girl, the Gold Watch & Everything?)
Nope, never heard of it!
Thanks for this information! Never heard of 12:01 before; but loved Groundhog Hog! I had no idea it was based on a plagiarized information!
Irina Tsukerman, at 2/02/2006 10:26 PM
Have you seen the movie...The Tesseract...kind of obscure...check it out...falls into your time bending theme...
The Egel Nest
The Egel Nest, at 2/03/2006 12:28 AM
The Tesseract sounds vaguely familiar. I must have read about it someplace when it was released. It sounds like it belongs to another favorite time-related genre--that of multiple events occurring over the same period of time with overlaps. My favorite of all films to employ this structure is Jim Jarmusch's brilliant Mystery Train from 1989. Another more recent film that employs this same type of simultaneous-time structure to good effect (although the movie as a whole let me down a tad) is 11:14 (yep, another film that makes a specific time its title).
Steve Shapiro, at 2/03/2006 8:49 AM
I just discovered why I thought I heard of The Tesseract. It's a mathematical term describing a 4-dimensional analog of the cube and happens to be a device used in the classic children's fantasy novel, A Wrinkle in Time, by Madeleine L'Engle (one of my very favorite books as a kid). As for the movie, it sounds good. I'll add it to my Netflix queue!
Steve Shapiro, at 2/03/2006 8:55 AM
Have you seen "elephant"...another time overlapping movie...It is...I think a Gus Van Zandt picture..so you can imagine it's strangeness...I really liked it though...it is strange in its theme...filming style...and other areas...but it was quite disturbingly enjoyable...
It is a school violence, columbine-like, theme by the way...
The Egel Nest
The Egel Nest, at 2/03/2006 10:42 PM
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